Bienvenue au Consulat d'HAITI en Côte d'ivoire

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Saturday 27th of July 2024

                                  IN COTE D'IVOIRE

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imageYou were appointed in November 2011, Honorary Consul of the Republic of Haiti in Côte d'Ivoire by President Michel Martelly. What steps have you taken to have this status ?

I would like to speak before the installation of our first performance in Ivory Coast, thank the President of the Republic of this country, Mr. Alassane Ouattara, and his Minister of State, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Daniel Kablan Duncan. These authorities were willing to accept the opening of a Haitian here in Ivory Coast. I take this occasion to reiterate our appreciation and reassure them that we will work to strengthen ties of cooperation between our two countries. I was appointed on 21 November 2011 by the Haitian authorities. But it is only April 10, 2012 I received my exequatur after investigations of morality and exchanges of correspondence between the two countries. The exequatur is the final document that entitles me to carry on Ivorian territory as official representative of Haiti. I actually have not done any action. I had the honor of being approached by the new authorities that I know well, the President of the Republic, Michel Martelly and Prime Minister, Laurent Lamothe. Which asked me to represent Haiti through an honorary consulate. I think this choice is put on the account of strong relationships that bind us, since I worked as a businessman with these people in the past. I hope to earn their trust by leading to a successful mission that was entrusted to me.

Do you reveal the circumstances of your meeting with President Martelly ?

I met President Joseph Michel Martelly, for the first time in 2008, in Miami during a private visit. He was presented by the current Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe.

You are Beninese and your country has very extensive links with Haiti. How do you explain that. Is there a link with your appointment ?

I should mention that it is a coincidence that is the Honorary Consul of Benin. This saying Benin and Haiti have close ties in many areas, especially culturally. We share ancestral rites and cooking habits. It is a happy coincidence that this is a Beninese who has been appointed.

Haiti is certainly well known historically and through the media by the Ivorian, but very few have visited due to its remoteness, being located on the American continent. Can we know the objectives that have been assigned or roadmap that was given to you ?

should already indicate that following the 2010 earthquake, the Ivorian government of the day in a show of solidarity, had supported the Haitian people. Haitian authorities present were sensitive to this act of generosity. I want to say that Haiti is a member of the African Union Observer, history is closer to his parentage. It is the poorest country in the Americas, located a few miles from Miami and occupies the same rating as the Dominican Republic. The roadmap that was given to me is to create a dynamic sense of diplomacy business. Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe, who was foreign minister when I was appointed, has focused on this dynamic still called Eco-diplomacy and that is to bring together business and Ivorian Haitians. It is true that my role is also to assist the Haitians living in the Ivory Coast, but 80% of the objectives assigned to me are oriented business. And the Haitian government expects me to organize at least three trade missions from the Ivory Coast a year. In this regard, we have taken fasteners and we are working with Ivorian economic operators to lead in the coming months, a first economic mission in Haiti and discover business opportunities that abound there. Given that everything must be rebuilt after the earthquake. The idea is to create a platform between the business communities of both countries. We give weapons to succeed in this mission.

Precisely for this country that could be unknown to the Ivorian economic operators, what are the business opportunities available to them? What are the investment priorities according to you ?

It is true that Haiti is far from the Ivory Coast. To reach Port-au-Prince Abidjan is through paris, 6:00 flight to Paris and Port-au-Prince is 8-9 hour flight, depending on the way you use . Either you go through the United States, or by the Martinique. In terms of business it there's agriculture, including coffee and cocoa products which were much cultivated in this country before the earthquake. We will therefore approach the Ivorian cooperatives to share experience because land is available, but the expertise is no longer appointment after the earthquake that the country has experienced. In addition, there is the industrial Haitian who is totally rebuilt. Opportunities abound. As well as the services sector, especially insurance. The Haitian government is putting in place a framework for the installation of insurance groups. The new investment code in its new provisions, provides a real financial support to foreign insurers. In addition to the insurance and banking, opportunities also extend to telecommunications.

You continue installation  in Cocody district Embassy. Is it a rental or vesting? And as this is that the consulate will be officially presented to the Haitians ?

We are in permanent premises and we will officially open the consulate in October. We have already written to all our colleagues in Côte d'Ivoire, including consul generals, ambassadors and international representatives to inform them. All these personalities and the Ivorian authorities but also the press will be invited during the official presentation. On this occasion, the Haitian Prime Minister will host a press conference to present the new directions of its foreign policy.Regarding

Haitians present in Côte d'Ivoire was about 200 before the post-election crisis in Ivory Coast. We take this opportunity to inform them that their'' home'' is now open. We also have a website that brings together all the information they need. We are open from 8am to 16h.

Do you play also the role assigned to an embassy ?

can say, since there is no embassy or consulate general in Côte d'Ivoire. Therefore, as we fully represent prerogative, with the right soil, Haiti, Ivory Coast. We are the only official representation.

It's been a little over a year a singer Martelly, has surprised the world by being elected President of the Republic. How will the country today ?

No jargon, much remains to be done. M Martelly has actually gained in power a year ago. It is the second prime minister. The political system is such that the choice of a prime minister by the president is final unless it is dubbed by the two chambers: the Senate and the national assembly. Not only the President has struggled to find a prime minister from the start, because both chambers are dominated by the opposition. After seven months, the first was replaced by the current, Laurent Lamothe which combines this position with the minister of planning. The sites are huge. At first, the authorities are trying to recover all the promises that were made during the 2010 earthquake. There has been a lot after this tragedy that make nearly 300,000 dead, 400,000 injured and 1.2 million homeless. However, it is clear that years later, these promises have not been kept. The government with the help of former President Bill Clinton, a strong supporter of Haiti tries to recover. The country has enormous reconstruction project such as roads dwellings. This is an opportunity that can enter the Ivorian economic operators. Added to this is the drinking water supply. All this is priorities. One year, it goes very quickly, the authorities continue to work to fulfill their campaign promises. I must say that this has been the appointment of the new Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe Haiti's reconstruction began in earnest.

President Michel Martelly will he present at the summit of the Francophonie in October in Congo ?

The President of the Republic will be represented at the summit, which runs from October 12 to 14 in Kinshasa by the Prime Minister. Haiti is certainly in the Americas, but is a francophone country. It speaks Creole, French and English. Haiti is fully recognized within the Francophonie.

Finally, remember that the mission that was entrusted to you ?

This is a new era opens between Haiti and the Ivory Coast. We strive to establish diplomatic affairs between the two countries. And we rely heavily. Hopefully there will, by 2014, a strengthened relationship between the Ivory Coast and Haiti and the Ivory Coast businessmen can invest effectively in Haiti and vice versa. Finally, I urge all Haitians present in Ivory Coast to be closer to our services.

